Hi! I'm Praise. A 17-year-old innovator passionate about using emerging technology to not only
solve the world's biggest problems but also make it affordable for those who need the technology
the most. Recently, I've been exploring exponential technologies like the Internet of Things,
Augmented/Virtual Reality and Robotics.
I'm currently working on developing the skills to work on
the biggest problems, impact millions and leave my footprint in the world. I write articles on things
I find interesting, build websites and manage social media pages for small nonprofits and businesses.
In my spare time, I like to learn more about modern philosophies, reading, listening to music and
playing the piano.
A Closer Look Into...
Setting high standards on things I care about and put myself in spaces that allow me to hustle.
Always learning something new everyday to add my value to my life and be better than I was yesterday.
Taking ownership and communicating to myself and others to keep myself on track to achieve a goal.
The control and motivation to continue along the path of achieving my long term goal.
I've been learning a lot of programming languages such as Python, HTML, C++, CSS, and more. And I'm looking forward to implement what I learn in my projects.
I am an innovator at The Knowledge Society, an accelerator program that equips students with the tools to impact the world through emerging technology.
To maximize my growth and become better than the day before, I am also focusing on a growth mindsets; Boss Mentality, Done>Perfect and Stoicism.
I love doing hand-on work and building things myself, like this website! A project I'm currently working on using an Arduino to create an indoor smart farm.
I believe that education is really important. I'm currently learning more about IoT but I also like to read and expand my knowledge on improving my lifestyle.
To make a better world we must help each other. I strive to give back and use my skills and knowledge to mentor & encourage others to make positive impacts.
Want to get to know me better...
To collaborate on a project, chat, ask questions, give feedbaack or for any other inquiries use the form below or email me directly.